عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 12-10-2008, 11:23 PM   #13
هاوي نشيط
الصورة الرمزية أحمدووو

رد: الكوكاتو الجديد ... صور

و هذي معلومات أخرى عن هذا النوع من الكوكاتو باللغة الإنجليزية

Bare Eyed Cockatoos
This sweet natured little Cockatoo is approximately 15 inches in length, and very similar to the Goffin's Cockatoo, except for the bare skin around the eyes.

They usually love baths, so controlling their dusty powder can be done by frequently bathing.

They are, as most Cockatoos, loud. Not a good choice for apartments/condos, or those who prefer quiet. However, those who select this species, will be rewarded by a loving, gentle nature, and a bird who will usually allow itself to be held by anyone. Can be wonderful in a family situation with children.

Feed them a natural, high-quality pellet. They usually love veggies, pasta, eggs and chicken. Sprouts can be grown for them and a high quality seed/nut mixture can be given occasionally.

House them in a large cage as they are very active. 36" x 24" is our recommendation. Toys are mandatory, not optional. They are very mechanical and will take a cage apart, open door latches, and escape frequently if the right cage is not purchased in the beginning.

Learn to love these birds so much, that when you discover what they are really like, you could never abandon them!

باختصار يقول أنه هذا الطير حنون جدا و لعوب جدا و أكتف جدا ، و يشبه جوفي كوكاتو ، لكن حجمه أكبر ، و عيونه تفرق بالمساحة العارية من الريش
و يتعلق بصاحبه تعلق شديد
و يحب اللعب و الخروج بره القفص
و مزعج اذا تركته بروحه و حس بالملل
و يحتاج تحط له العاب بالقفص (هذي يبيلي اسويها له)

ان شاء الله تكون معلومات مفيدة
أحمدووو غير متصل